Town cautions Oakville neighbourhood of coyotes when walking dogs


Published June 21, 2024 at 7:24 pm

Ontario, Oakville, coyotes, dogs, den season, leash, cats
An Oakville neighbourhood is being cautioned about the number of coyotes in the area and to be extra careful when walking their dogs.

Residents of an Oakville neighbourhood are being warned to be careful of coyotes when taking their dog out for a walk.

In a post on social media site X, Halton Regional Police cautioned residents on or near Sedgewick Forest and Woodhaven Park Drive to consider travelling away from the area when walking their dogs.

“Coyotes often become more active during den season as they look for food and shelter to protect their dens and pups,” said the Town of Oakville.

Residents are reminded that if you spot a coyote to report the sighting and activity through the Town of Oakville’s coyote reporting form. The form is compatible with mobile devices and allows users to upload pictures and video of sightings and post to social media.

The town’s coyote hazing video explains what to do if you encounter a coyote on your property, and shows you how to haze or scare them away.

What to do if you encounter a coyote:

  • Practice hazing to let the coyote know they are not welcome. Appear assertive: stand tall, wave your arms, shout, clap your hands and make lots of noise
  • Keep pets attended and on leash
  • Do not turn your back on or run from a coyote.
  • If you see pups or suspect there are pups in the area or if the coyote is not easily frightened away, keep your dog on a short leash, pick up small pets and children, and back away from the area. Consider changing your route for a few weeks. The coyotes may have been denning in the area and will likely move on after some time.
  • Do not leave food waste in town garbage cans in parks as this may attract rodents which may in turn attract coyotes.

If embraced by the entire community, repeated hazing ensures coyotes maintain their fear of humans and know our homes are off limits.

To keep your pets safe:

  • Avoid feeding pets outdoors as the smell of food may attract coyotes or other animals that they eat.
  • Always keep your pets on a leash when out for a walk unless you are in a leash-free park. This will allow for better care and control of your animal if you see a coyote. Off leash dog encounters with a coyote can contribute to increased conflict with other dogs in the community.
  • Always monitor your pets when outdoors. Particularly if you live near green spaces, ravines, and other areas where coyotes are known to frequent.
  • Keep cats indoors.
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